Committed companies

#reacciona contra la discriminación

The fruit of ignorance and prejudice, the discrimination of people with disabilities is rife when it comes to applying for a job. Having visible disabilities is a barrier that limits their opportunities. Those who manage to enter the job market often suffer exclusion due to ignorance or even outright rejection.

Javi's first day

Javi is a recent graduate facing his first work experience in an office. He is highly qualified and has worked hard to get where he is. Nonetheless, his workmates focus on his disability instead of on all his talents. Many of them are wondering: will he be able to…?

The real Javi

Javi is person with a passion for reading, films and travelling. He is a genuine example of effort and drive as, despite his physical handicap, he has a black belt in judo, plays the piano as well as a professional and is just finishing his degree in Industrial Engineering. His disabilities have not set limits on Javi’s life and he collaborates to increase social awareness so that nobody has to face situations like these.