International Women’s Day 2024: Dream Again

8 March 2024: International Women’s Day

Dream Again: Learn about the story of Ariana and the obstacle course she faces to find a job

On International Women’s Day, Fundación Adecco wants to give visibility to women at risk of exclusion in Spain. In order to raise awareness and achieve the commitment of the business sector, governments and society, we are releasing a video with the title of Dream Again, whose leading character is Ariana, an older women who is fighting against unemployment and social exclusion after a life of caring for her children and mother. Her situation gives a voice to the testimonials of the women who come to Fundación Adecco every day seeking career guidance. This support will be enhanced during Women’s Week through workshops, mentoring interviews and empowerment seminars.

Companies committed to inclusion on the Internationa Women's Day

Ariana will dream again

Ariana is an older woman and a mother of three children who is fighting against unemployment and social exclusion. Ari comes from a stable background and had a happy childhood. She recalls how she dreamt of being an astronaut in the late 1970s.

An early romance, the decision to give up studying, unexpected motherhood, becoming an unwilling single parent and her mother’s illness and death have turned what could have been an easy life into an obstacle course, especially when it comes to finding work.

Ari goes to empty out her mother’s home and sadly remembers her unfulfilled dreams. Despite the adversity she is facing, Ari has reason to be hopeful: she knows that she has resources and entities, such as Fundación Adecco, to support her. In short, she knows that she mustn’t stop fighting for her dream, and that nobody is born to live in a situation of exclusion.

Employment on International Women’s Day

We at Fundación Adecco strive every day with the awareness that employment plays a major role in overcoming situations of vulnerability. In 2023 we helped close to 15,000 vulnerable women, achieving more than 4500 job contracts.

This is only a drop in the ocean when we consider, according to our Jobs for All Women: Women at Risk of Social Exclusion in the Job Market report, that:

-The proportion of women in the labour force (54.5%) continues to be lower than that of men (63.6%).

-The female unemployment rate is three percentage points higher than that of males (13.3% vs 10.3%). What is more, long-term unemployment affects women more than men, particularly women over 55.

-Women represent less than half of Spain’s workforce (46.7%), but they account for 92.5% of all workers who reduce their working hours in order to take care of family members.

-Eighty per cent of single-parent households in Spain are headed by women, and the rate of poverty risk for households of this type is 52%, compared to 25% for those those headed by men.

Social exclusion

There are already more than 6.5 million women at risk of social exclusion (women over 55 years of age in situations of long-term unemployment, women who are victims of gender-based violence, women heading single-parent families, women with disabilities, etc.) in Spain, and they make up the core of vulnerable people.

This is why Fundación Adecco considers employment as an opportunity to move forward and leave exclusion behind. We work with women by means of a tailored career path that includes training, guidance, intermediation, support… a path to employment that allows them to better their lives and move past their situation of exclusion.


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